Reflecting on the future of RealizeEngineering

Decorative image of a flowerMy recent summer vacation [see ‘Entropy and junkies‘ on August 2nd, 2023] was a period of relaxation, recuperation and reflection.  One of my reflections was on the future of this blog.  It has become more of a commentary from an engineer than the ‘engineering commentary’ referred to in the tagline in its masthead.  Perhaps this was inevitable when I have been writing a weekly post for more than a decade, starting in January 2013 [see ‘500th post‘ on February 2nd, 2022]. There is an archive of almost six hundred posts available for you to browse, including about twenty written before I started weekly posting.  I have decided that I will aim to complete twelve years of weekly postings and then probably return to random postings in early 2025.  About five years ago, I wrote ‘Sometimes it is a joy to order my thoughts and commit some of them to writing; other times it is a chore and a challenge to dream up something vaguely interesting to tell you’ [see ‘Thinking more clearly by writing weekly‘ on May 2nd, 2018]. Recently, it has become more often a chore and less often a joy so I hope to temporarily redress the balance by creating an end-point without taking a precipitious decision to stop weekly posts now.

3 thoughts on “Reflecting on the future of RealizeEngineering

  1. Penny Beale

    Thanks for your inspiring and entertaining posts. I don’t profess to having understood all of the technical bits, but have really enjoyed the bits I did understand. One is never too old to try to learn, and you have certainly aided my attempts to do just that.
    Enjoy your time however you choose to spend it.

  2. Patricia Campbell

    Eann I very much enjoy your posts but also understand your feelings. I did the FairerScience blog for seven years and for me that was enough. The corpus will remain and will be read and appreciated.

  3. Pingback: 600th post and time for a change | Realize Engineering

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